109B Tay Street

Newport on Tay



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NC100 wish to thank all those that support us no matter how big or small that may be.

Heritage Trust The Northern Lighthouse Heritage Trust is a charity dedicated to preserving our lighthouse heritage.


Project Sponsor. Voluntary sector organisation which exists to serve the local communities of Tayside

A leading UK operator of sustainable, compliance-led,waste recycling, recovery, treatment & disposal services.

There are currently over 1,300 vessels on our database including details of designer, builder, dimensions, construction, propulsion, service history, current location and ownership, as well as images of many of the vessels.


Shipshape Scotland acts as a focal point bringing together vessels, organisations, skills and facilities across the country.

Following The Lights

Light House web site Facebook Page

Gowrie Contracts has experienced asbestos removal professionals at every level of our business - each possesses a deep understanding of every aspect of asbestos removal.

Our surveys are completed with the presentation of a complete risk assessment & management strategy which forms your asbestos register and a log for ACM’s (Asbestos Containing Materials) on the premises. It is the foundation of the ‘Duty to Manage Asbestos’ regulations within industrial, commercial & domestic premises.

We would like to express our thanks to many that have donated  things to us.

Ena Robertson of Scone, and Mr and Mrs Logan of Fife for the tools

Mrs Pryde Lawson from Meigle for our washer dryer

Continued Support from Mr David Morrison financial and equipment to help sort our offshore workshop and storage

Supporting us through their restoration grant scheme for the preservation of industrial heritage assets in our case used to aid the restoration of North Carr’s two life boats