109B Tay Street

Newport on Tay



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Project NC 100 has been created by the charity Taymarra for the refurbishment of the vessel Light Ship ‘North Carr”, she is currently moored at Victoria Dock in Dundee. The project, is expected to require funding to be raised in excess of  3 million pounds to complete the project.

The project scope will cover all works involved in the refurbishment, including all planning and securing of specialist skills and equipment required to accomplish the task.

The project has recommenced following the world wide pandemic. At present  a small number of  enthusiast volunteers are doing many tasks and would welcome anyone to come and get involved with us there is always lots to do.

It is envisaged that the refurbished vessel will act as an HQ for the Taymara charity as well as providing an additional attraction to the historical Dundee Waterfront and in time acting as a training school for water borne activities within the regenerated Victoria Harbour