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Newport on Tay



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She was built at a cost £15,430 to replace an earlier vessel on station at North Carr. She was on station from 1933-1975. Apart for her time during World War II, when she was stationed between the Mull of Kintyre and the Mull of Galloway as a guide for ships entering the River Clyde.

A major refit was undertaken, in 1952 installing new generators and compressors driven by Russel and Newbery engines. In December 1958, during a heavy storm her main mooring broke away her 2nd anchor left her drifting towards the rocks she was there to protect. The Broughty Lifeboat was launched but never made it to the vessel and all her crew were lost in the attempt.  The light vessel crew were rescued by a RAF helicopter. The vessel was eventually taken in tow as she drifted on her third chain.

1975 after her retirement she was purchased and for displayed at Anstruther becoming a museum  in 1977.sold in 2010 to Taymara (Tay Maritime Action). Now moored in Victoria Dock, Dundee where the NC100 Project, under Taymara, in now refurbishing.  

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